5.2 Google Firebase

In this tutorial, you will use the firebase library to read/write/listen data from Google Firebase.

5.2.1 How to

1. Install firebase (tested on v9.9.1).

  • $ expo install firebase

2. Update 'App.js' file.

3. Write data:
-Update 'components/RegisterComponent.js' file.

4. Read data once:

  • Update 'redux/ActionTypes.js' file (action).
  • Update 'redux/ActionCreators.js' file (action).
  • Create 'redux/users.js' file (reducer).
  • Update 'redux/ConfigureStore.js' file (store).
  • Update 'components/LoginComponent.js' file.
  • Update 'components/MainComponent.js' file.

5. Listen for value events:

  • -Create 'contact' child-node from Firebase:
  • -Update 'components/ContactComponent.js' file.

5.2.2 Screenshots