3.2 Swipeout and Deleting Favorites
In this tutorial, you will use a swipe gesture to reveal option buttons under a list item. This will be used
to support deleting a favorite. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:
- Use swipe gesture to reveal option buttons
- Click on a delete option button to delete the favorite
3.2.1 How to
1. Install react-native-swipe-list-view (tested on v3.2.9).
- $ expo install react-native-swipe-list-view
2. Setting up Redux:
- (a) Update 'redux/ActionTypes.js' file (action).
- (b) Update 'redux/ActionCreators.js' file (action).
- (c) Update 'redux/favorites.js' file (reducer).
3. Connecting to Redux:
- (a) Update 'components/FavoriteComponent.js' file.
3.2.2 Screenshots