Using Redux in React Native App - Part 3

In this tutorial, you will connect to Redux and obtain the state informations such as promotions from there.

2.6.1 How to

1. Setting up Redux:

  • (a) Update 'redux/ActionTypes.js' file (action).
  • (b) Update 'redux/ActionCreators.js' file (action).
  • (c) Create 'redux/promotions.js' file (reducer).
  • (d) Update 'redux/ConfigureStore.js' file (store).

2. Connecting to Redux:

  • (a) Update 'components/MainComponent.js' file.
  • (b) Update 'components/HomeComponent.js' file.

3. Delete local resources:

  • 'shared/dishes.js', 'shared/comments.js', 'shared/leaders.js', 'shared/promotions.js' files
  • 'components/images' folder

2.6.2 Screenshots