2.8 Redux Adding Favorites

In this tutorial, you will learn about setting up your Redux store to store the user's favorites and update them. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Set up a new property in the Redux store to track the favorites
  • Set up actions to add new favorites to the store

2.8.1 Dataflow

2.8.2 How to

1. Setting up Redux:

  • (a) Update 'redux/ActionTypes.js' file (action).
  • (b) Update 'redux/ActionCreators.js' file (action).
  • (c) Create 'redux/favorites.js' file (reducer).
  • (d) Update 'redux/ConfigureStore.js' file (store).
2. Connecting to Redux:
  • (a) Update 'components/DishdetailComponent.js' file.

2.8.3 Screenshots