1.1 React Native Getting Started

In this tutorial, you will set up the create-react-native-app for scaffolding a React Native starter application on your computer. Also this will use the Expo framework for React Native app development. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Set up the create-react-native-app for scaffolding a React Native starter application on your computer
  • Use the Expo framework

1.1.1 How to:

1. Download and install NodeJS (LTS version) from: https://nodejs.org:

  • $ node --version
  • $ npm --version

- [OR] Update NodeJS:

  • Windows: uninstall and install the latest version.
  • MacOS: use the sudo command.
    • Upgrade NPM:
    • $ npm install npm --global
    • Clean NPM cache:
    • $ npm cache clean --force
    • Install N package:
    • $ npm install n --global
    • Install NodeJS stable:
    • $ n stable

2. Get the command line tool:
$ npm install expo-cli --global
$ expo --version

3. Create your first project:
$ expo init <projectname>
$ cd <projectname>

4. Start the project:

    - Lan URL:
  • $ expo start --clear
    - Tunnel URL:
  • $ npm install @expo/ngrok@^4.1.0 --global
  • $ expo start --tunnel --clear

5. Preview your project:

  • Download the "Expo Go" application from Google Play (Android) or App Store (iOS).
  • Scan the QR code with Expo (Android) or Camera (iOS).

6. Start coding:

  • Select your favorite editor, like VSCode, Atom, Sublime Text, Vim, or Emacs,…
  • Edit <projectname>/App.js: replace “Open up App.js to start working on your app” by "Hello <yourname>"

1.1.2 Screenshots: